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This blog post will focus on the all four types of resilience science that was spoken about in the Zoom conversation between Lynne McTaggart and Gregg Braden.
This blog focuses on the sceince behind salt baths, also known as halotherapy, and it's challenges to stay afloat within the spa community during these times of Covid-19.
A well nights rest, now more than ever, is harder to achieve with all of the stresses happening in the world. Our blog post focuses on ways to achieve a that peaceful night sleep along with small lifestyle changes to improve your sleeping habits.
In our times it is easy to feel as if all hope is lost, it is vital to maintain that hope. Hope in times of despair may be the only thing keeping us alive. This blog post will focus on how hope can lead to increible things.
1 in 5 Americans experience mental illness in a given year. Mark Fisher helps us understand why mental illness has become more prevalent in westernized countries.
Dr. Hyman and Dr Elizabeth Bohman demystify common misconceptions about the underlying causes of acne, and debunk conventional medicine's limited approach of only treating its symptoms on the surface of the skin
Vaildation can be one of the most comforting things we need to hear in times of struggles. It allows us to recongize what the root of the issue is and work a plan to combat those fears. Dr. Wright writes about the postives that come from validating our fears and working on plans to improve on them.
One of the many buzz words in the media when it comes to self care. However there is one word that needs to be added to our vocabulary: Self Compassion. Read the blog to find out the benefits of self compassion and how to put this into practice in your everyday life.