Cooking Together

Mini Peach Tarts

  • ⅔ cup rolled oats
  • ⅓ cup sorghum flour
  • ⅓ cup pecans
  • Dash sea salt
  • ¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon plus 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 small white sweet potato, peeled and cut into large chunks
  • ½ teaspoon agar powder or 1 teaspoon agar flakes
  • 1 medium peach, peeled and cut into large chunks
  • ½ tablespoon lemon juice
  • 12 small fresh mint leaves (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. For crust, in a food processor combine oats, flour, pecans, and salt. Cover and process until finely ground. Add the ¼ cup maple syrup and 1 tsp. vanilla; cover and pulse until mixture starts to cling together. (Mixture will be slightly crumbly, but you should be able to press it together.)
  2. Using twelve 2½-inch nonstick mini tart pans, drop 2 tsp. of the oat mixture into each pan. Press onto bottoms and fluted sides of pans. If pastry is too sticky to handle, dust hands lightly with additional flour. Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until light brown; cool tart shells.
  3. For filling, place sweet potato chunks in a steamer basket in a small saucepan. Add water to saucepan to just below the basket. Bring to boiling. Steam, covered, 15 minutes; cool.
  4. Meanwhile, in another small saucepan combine ¼ cup water and the agar powder. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer 5 to 7 minutes or until agar is dissolved and mixture is reduced to 2 Tbsp., stirring frequently.
  5. Wash and dry food processor. In processor combine sweet potato, peach, the remaining 1 Tbsp. maple syrup, the remaining 1 Tbsp. vanilla, and the lemon juice. Cover and process until smooth. Add agar mixture; cover and process until combined. Cool 10 minutes.
  6. Fill tart shells with filling. Top with additional peaches and, if desired, fresh mint.