Getting help to Ukraine is half the battle. We work with our partners to develop health and wellness programs for civilians traumatized by the war. And we raise funds for charities in Ukraine to implement health and wellness programs.
Help Ukrainian People
Getting help to Ukraine is half the battle. We work with our partners to develop health and wellness programs for civilians traumatized by the war. And we raise funds for charities in Ukraine to implement health and wellness programs.
Why Support For Wellbeing?
For WellBeing supports local volunteers on the ground in Ukraine who obtain medications and food and deliver them within just a few days to the people who need it most. Within a few days, our volunteers send us photos/videos and receipts confirming their work. In this battle for freedom, where rules of war are out the window, our hyperlocal efforts are working more effectively than big organizations that require more complex procedures and higher costs to make aid happen now.
Daily Reports from Our Volunteers
Synergy for Life
Please donate today to provide assistance to adults and children from families affected by the military conflict. With your support we will be able to continue:
Carrying out of complex diagnostic actions (the doctor-therapist or the pediatrician, the doctor from emergency situations, the psychologist, including children's, laboratory and instrumental methods of research)
Treatment of identified health disorders, including chronic ones
Treatment and further prevention of nutrient deficiencies
Psychological rehabilitation (treatment), which includes direct work with an adult or a child, his relatives and the environment around the child
You Can Make A Difference
Your support enables small teams and solo volunteers in Ukraine's most devastating hotspots working day and night to provide help, especially for the most vulnerable — children, elderly, and chronically ill. We focus our aid on them, funding small teams on the ground doing the most urgent and impactful work today. All with receipts, photos, and full accountability.
To United Nations agencies
To the Red Cross
To international NGOs
To Ukrainian organizations
Roughly $1.2 billion in government humanitarian aid contributions for Ukraine, 67% is going to United Nations agencies, 10% to the Red Cross, 7% to international NGOs, and less than 0.1% directly to Ukrainian organizations, according to the U.N. financial tracking system. Less than 0.1% to those doing the most urgent work, those who know exactly how to navigate the situation on the ground. Our volunetters are using their personal vehicles, spend as long as 16 hours to deliver packages and go through multiple checkpoints while risking their lives.
Real Stories Told By Ukrainian People
Please Donate Today
If you care about the World's wellbeing, if you want to help Urkaine's wellbeing today, let us guide your help to where it is needed most. Make your impact today. Help those most struggling to survive.