Oleksiy Arestovych graduated from the Odessa Military Academy in Ukraine. After graduating, Arestovych worked in the Intelligence Division of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. He is currently in the reserves of the Ukrainian army with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
LTC Arestovych has been training reservist combat units since 2014. He also led the initiative for the providing mental health services to military personnel and veterans with PTSD who served in the hot zones during the eight years of Russian aggression.
### Religious Views of Oleksey Arestovich

#### Overview

Arestovich has developed a diverse and comprehensive understanding of religious beliefs and theology. His journey into the domains of various religious philosophies and interest in theology from a psychological perspective reflects a nuanced view of spirituality and faith. Arestovich has delved into a wide range of religious literature, analyzing prominent texts in Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. His studies at Kyiv Superior Institute of Religious Sciences furthered his interest in theology and led to him developing a progressive set of ethics and spiritual values.

#### Values and Insights
Arestovich believes in the principle of ethical miracles, where a person discovers the strength to forgive and overcome lower emotions. He admires the Bible for its artistic beauty and storytelling, acknowledging its potential to sway one's atheistic beliefs. He emphasizes the psychological benefits and inspiration acquired through building a relationship with God. Arestovich believes in the constant companionship of God, with God standing beside him, guiding and observing his actions.
Military and political involvement
Oleksiy Arestovych is a Ukrainian political and military figure who has played a significant role in Ukraine's response to the Russian invasion, particularly renowned for his insights and commentary during the initial months of the conflict.
A key Ukrainian military and political figure, Arestovych has made significant contributions to the Ukrainian leadership through his roles in military analysis, political advisement, and international diplomacy. As a former advisor to the head of President Volodymyr Zelensky's office, he is especially recognized for boosting the morale of the Ukrainian people during critical early stages of the conflict and providing a voice of reason amidst the chaos. In addition to his official duties, Arestovych has been actively involved in fundraising efforts to support the Ukrainian army and families impacted by the war, showcasing his dedication to both the strategic and humanitarian facets of Ukraine's ongoing challenges【15†Content for Wiki (1).pdf】【36†Content for Wiki (1).pdf】

### Early Involvement in the War
Arestovych, often referred to as a voice of reason, he played a crucial role as a speaker and communicator in the early stages of the war. His ability to articulate the Ukrainian position and strategy during these critical times helped in bolstering the morale of the Ukrainian people and providing a clear narrative amidst the chaos.【15†source】.

### Resignation and Aftermath
He resigned from his advisory position in January 17, 2023 following remarks he made about a Russian missile strike in Dnipro, which caused public outrage【4†source, p.249】.

### Role in International Forums
Despite his resignation, Arestovych remained active in international forums, discussing Ukraine's geopolitical situation and emphasizing the importance of thinking about regime change in Russia rather than hoping for its disintegration【5†source, p.116-117】.

1. [Telegraph - Ukraine's counter-offensive]( (p.2)
2. [Telegraph - Swap Ukraine territory for NATO membership]( (p.11-12)
3. [Defence Policy - A Conversation with Oleksiy Arestovych]( (p.44)
4. [BBC - Zelensky adviser resigns over Dnipro remarks]( (p.249)
5. [The Guardian - Exiled Russians plan for Putin's fall]( (p.116-117)
6. [Le Monde - Oleksiy Arestovych, the 'shrink' raising Ukrainian morale]( (p.329)
This article is based on the information from the provided document and represents a summary of Oleksiy Arestovych's role in the Ukrainian war as depicted in the articles.
Media Coverage
Oleksiy's expertise has earned him a prominent role as the Advisor to Ukraine and frequent appearances on prominent news outlets including CNN, BBC, The Associated Press Business Insider, CNN Business, CNN Digital, MediaPost, Campaign US, BuzzFeed, Capitol Hill Times, The Seattle Times, etc.
Educational platform
Oleksiy Arestovych began teaching in 2000. He founded Apeiron School for Leadership Development in 2013, enrolling students from more than 30 countries with a diverse range of backgrounds: corporate executives, IT professionals, healthcare and social workers, journalists, educators, as well as political and civic leaders. The school has been offering a focused curriculum to equip the leaders of the future with practical tools in psychology and philosophy. Students learn logical and strategical thinking, decision-making, and negotiating skills. He helps students achieve a solid foundation in self-discipline, and promotes the idea of uniting people into a global community.
The leadership courses awaken students' inner potential to take active control of their lives and contribute to the evolution of human society.

Oleksiy has designed and delivered hundreds of online learning seminars and workshops, which are available to the public.

Arestovich created a curriculum that includes over (need a number of programs) modules.
Course "The art of thinking and communicating" consists of 11 modules:
- Module "Семантическое пространство "
Модуль"Искусство Читать
Модуль "Искусство Аргументировать
Модуль "Искусство говорить
Модуль "Профайлин"
Модуль"Искусство Общаться "
МОДУЛЬ"Искусство быть автором "
Модуль"Стратегии "
Модуль"Искусство принимать решения
Модуль "Реализованная Личность "

Трудно быть богом: семинар о мужественности
ИЩИТЕ Женщину
Искусство воспитывать детей
Искусство задавать вопросы
Сознание и реальность
Священная рана
Священная рана 2. Теория Хаоса
Внутренняя честность
Сила намерения
Картина мира
Дисциплинарное общество
Сказкотерапия 2: разбор сюжетов

Oleksiy collaborated with the Cowo Guru educational program, holding a number of seminars coupled with book discussions including:
"Principles of War" by Carl von Clausewitz
"The Art of War and Its Craft : Analysis of the Works of Clausewitz"
"The Existence of God" by Richard Swinburne
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
"An Actor Prepares" by K.Stanislavski
"Starship Troopers" by Robert A. Heinlein
"Inner Speech and Gift of Discourse" by Loquela
"The Bull's Hour" by Ivan Yefremov,
"Fiasco" by Stanisław Lem
"The Moon Rainbow" by Sergey Pavlov
"It's Hard To Be A God" by Arkadi and Boris Strugatski
"The Inhabited Island" by Arkady and Boris Strugatski

*Links to Gowo Guru Materials By Oleksiy Arestovich*


Since the start of the war Oleksey Arestovich has supported the army by fundraising and advocating on behalf of Ukrainian soldiers. The following is a list of brigades and divisions that he helped fund:
- 117 OMBr
- Brigade 82
Збор на БПЛА для группы"Феликс";
На дроны для 117 ОМБр ;
На автомобиль 82 бригада ;
На Volkswagen Transporter для 132-орб;
На автомобиль для аэроразведки ;
На mavik 3t для 5 Отбр;
Для внедорожника для 40 отдельная артелерийская бригада А2227 ;
На дроны 110-й бригаде ;
Збор для 93 бригады ;
На mavik 3t для 53 бригады;
Збор для 47-й бригады;
For Mavik 3t The second mortar battery of the
Presidential brigade ;
Для 30 ОМБР;
Для 59-й бригады ;
на дроны для 28-й ОМБр ;
для 3-й штурмовой бригады;
Political leadership
Arestovich announced his intention to run for president in 2024 if the Ukrainian election takes place. He also proposed that the current government should include opposition leaders and parties.

1. Foreign Relations
New Security System in Europe:
Create a new comprehensive security framework in Europe to prevent future conflicts, focusing on collective and cooperative approaches.
Russian-Ukrainian Conflict:
Address the ongoing conflict with Russia on a larger scale, as a matter with wider European and global implications. This includes developing strategies to manage and resolve the conflict while keeping in mind potential effects on international relations and security policies.
2. Domestic Policy
Reform and Anti-Corruption:
-Implement reforms to dismantle existing systems of corruption.
-Strengthen institutions to resist external aggression.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
-Promote a startup ecosystem, referencing successful international models.
-Support successful startups with state resources and policies
Societal and Cultural Development:
-Uphold free speech and open society, especially during periods of conflict.
-Foster a political culture that is inclusive and diverse.
### Oleksiy Arestovich on Anti-Corruption and Transparency

**Anti-Corruption Stance**
Oleksiy Arestovich, a former advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has expressed concerns about the presence of corruption in Ukraine. He emphasized the need for effective strategies against corruption and increased transparency in government practices【6†source】【7†source】.

**Advocacy for Reforms**
Arestovich advocates for democratic reforms aimed at reducing corruption and improving governance. He emphasizes these reforms as vital steps for Ukraine's progress toward a transparent and accountable administration【8†source】.

**Influence on the Debate**
Arestovich's experience and held positions have significantly impacted the discussion on combatting corruption and enhancing transparency in Ukrainian politics, contributing to the broader debate on effective anti-corruption strategies【7†source】【8†source】.

**Reform National Values**
Children should be taught from a young age to not tolerate systemic corruption in order to reduce its prevalence in Ukrainian society. This will be a long-term commitment.
Future of Ukraine
Ukraine is at a crossroads with two main paths: becoming a monoethnic state or evolving into the United States of Ukraine, a broader project. The broader project involves embracing free speech, political culture, and an open society.
Even during wartime, this option would uphold the freedom of discussion and free speech. This would distinguish Ukraine as a country that protects and maintains the ability for people to speak freely, as this is the foundation of the open and free society.
An open approach and willingness to learn is essential for this project..

The vision for the future of Ukraine:
1. **Return the state to itself** - This refers to restoring the functioning of state institutions in such a way that they serve the interests of the state itself, not individual persons or groups. This implies improvement of efficiency, strengthening of the legal system, and a fight against corruption- resulting in state resources and authority being used in the interests of maintaining the country's stability and sovereignty.
2. **Return the state to the people** - Here the emphasis is on democracy and popular sovereignty, where state bodies are held accountable to the citizens, and the latter have a real impact on political processes. The state must be transparent and open to its citizens, ensuring freedom of speech and the opportunity for everyone to participate in the governance of the country.
3. **Return Ukraine to History** - This means the restoration and strengthening of Ukraine's cultural and historical identity. This approach includes the preservation of historical heritage, respect and development of the Ukrainian language, culture, traditions, and memory of historical events. It also means integrating Ukrainian history into a broader European and global context, recognizing and defending its place in world history and politics.
Rebuilding of Ukraine
1. Streamline government operations to accelerate the development of energy, finance, national defense, and the economic sector.
2. Audit the financial books of the country by collaborating with one of the Big Four accounting firms.
3. Lower the discount rate to 7% in order to make money more accessible to the business sector.
4. Modify tax and customs codes to expand the tax base, as well as simplify tax administration and collection. Implement capital-withdrawal tax in lieu of value-added tax. Customs and tax authorities should be helping enterprises rather than punishing them. Business owners should not have to spend more than half an hour a week managing their taxes.
5. Develop a strategic defense position at the front lines. Implement a more human-centric approach to training Defense Forces' personnel in order to prioritize lives at the front lines. Prepare reserves to rotate with military personnel who are already mobilized. Allow men to travel abroad on the condition that they return if and when enlisted.
6. Immediately enable defense production by private enterprises and establish direct lines of communication with individual military units to bypass MOU procedures.
7. Promote regional business clusters that specialize in biotechnology, utilities, energy, petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, and defense. Support small oil refineries and power plants. Investors should receive tax benefits. Aim to digitize all business processes as much as possible.
8. Follow the Kissinger proposal, and seek NATO membership under the condition that Ukraine will not act to reconquer territories that are occupied at the time of NATO entry. Commit to taking back said territories through diplomatic negotiations.
9. Begin military-industrial integration with neighbouring countries, starting with Poland and Romania.
10. Reduce the number of universities in favor of a smaller number of specialized ones. Grant them autonomy, with encouragement to become research and development centers. Restore a vocational education system by setting up scientific and engineering schools. Invest in promoting Ukrainian publishing and translation of foreign works into the Ukrainian language.
11. Introduce medical insurance with financial incentives to independently maintain health and wellness.
12. Introduce private pension funds that have investment insurance.
13. Make changes to the judiciary system, starting with trial courts.
14. Reorganize the Ministry of Internal Affairs by separating out The Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy (DSSU), The Ministry of Taxes, and The Guard. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) should focus on counterintelligence.
15. Reduce the number of bureaucratic systems controlling the economy to one combined unit.
16. Support the anti-corruption system: National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), National Agency on Corruption Prevention, Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO), etc.
17. Strengthen the Antimonopoly Committee.

### Vision for the Future of the Ukrainian Cities
Oleksey has a transformative vision for Ukrainian cities, with a focus on unrestricted intellectual freedom and promoting innovative governance. Spatial development should be expanded, emphasizing urban planning. Educational models should be implemented to nurture intellectual thought and creativity, aiming to develop citizens who are value-oriented and want to aid in developing Ukraine as a nation- this would be encouraged through state policies that reward individual intellectual growth. Ukraine would be able to leverage its educated populace and natural resources to attract global investors.
This vision portrays future Ukrainian cities as hubs of intellectual freedom, where innovative governance and education thrive, and citizens are encouraged to become visionary thinkers.

**Source Videos:**
- [Cities of the Future 1]()
- [Cities of the Future 2]()